It’s the most wonderful time of the year again, folks. I’m so happy to debut a new season of The Southern Fork, spring is springing in Charleston (hello, pollen), and we are in the middle of the Charleston Wine + Food Festival! I’m so proud to be a part of this festival and to celebrate with friends near and far as they visit my city, but since I’m up close and personal to this event, I know how much went into getting to this weekend! I thought you’d like to know some behind-the-scenes stuff too, and Gillian Zettler, the director of the festival, is at the helm of it all. Gillian and I first met years ago in Greenville when she was head of Euphoria Greenville, and I’ve watched her really blossom since taking over my beloved Charleston festival. She’s brought varied programming and a seriously good music taste into the fest just for starters, but it’s not all her. She has a team of people working all year to get here, and she’s quick to provide a shout out, so if you’re enjoying top-notch food and drink with me in Charleston this weekend, here’s what it took to get that wine in that glass.